I’m sure it comes as no surprise to any of you that Wonderwool has sadly been cancelled due to COVID-19 escalation, and I’m pretty sure that our booked summer shows will shortly follow suit. Whilst the cancellations are obviously the right thing to do, they’ve been a bit of a blow to us at Triskelion because they form a significant part of our income; Triskelion Yarn being, in fact, our only source of income here at Pistyll Gwyn Farm. Hence, we’re going to be rejigging the way we do business until the COVID-19 crisis is behind us.
Firstly, until we have a full lockdown on all non-essential businesses, we’ll be opening our studio space as a Triskelion Yarn shop. While the studio isn’t finished yet in terms of plumbing and electricity (that was going to be addressed by our Wonderwool takings), the space is dry and bright and is able to be used as a yarn showroom. We’ll be asking visitors to contact us the day before they come, so that we don’t have more than three or four person single parties here at a time, and there’ll be handwashing facilities available. Please bear in mind, though, that it won’t be particularly accessible – we can adjust the ‘standard setup’ for visitors who can’t manage stairs, but we’re not wheelchair accessible. It’s clean and light, but at the end of the day, it’s a barn on a farm – we really need to stress that the facilities are basic!
Secondly, we’ll be having targeted offers on a number of yarn bases and/or collections, in the same way as we do at shows. For example, our new Lludd DK base (organic merino) will be up in the webshop this weekend with a 10% reduction on 4 skeins or more, with free UK postage – essentially the deal you’d be getting in-person at Wonderwool. There’ll be a similar deal on our luxury Rhiannon base next week. We’ll be bringing in free UK postage over £55, and free worldwide postage over £110. We have other deals in the pipeline, too, so keep an eye out for coupon codes on social media, and definitely sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of this page) if you haven’t already done so.
Thirdly, because cashflow issues are going to hit us badly, and we want to stay in business and keep Gwen and Emrys in bonbons, we’ll be putting a temporary brake on the Triskelion reward points. From today, you’ll only be able to use up to 10% of the order value as reward points, rather than the usual 33%. However, your points will continue to accrue as normal, and you’ll be able to use them all in full once this crisis has passed.
Lastly, please stay safe, and follow the instructions that your government’s medical advisors give you (wherever you are). Also, there appears to be some evidence coming to light that the virus can stay active on some surfaces for up to five days, so I would advise leaving your order parcels somewhere out of the way for four or five days before using/opening them, just to be ultra cautious. It goes without saying that we’ll notify everybody if we have to go into quarantine for whatever reason.
Strength and solidarity with you all, and may the odds be forever in your favour 😉
Caerthan and Rick